Archives Mensuelles: novembre 2013

Fosdem 2014: call for proposals

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Hi all !

Fosdem is coming… and I’m sure you wouldn’t miss it!

Why ? Because Fosdem (Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting) is simply one of the greatest events in Europe around free and open source software development: it is THE place to be, to know everything which is happening about FLOSS, to meet people… and to have fun!
Fosdem is held, during the first weekend of February, in Brussels (Belgium), a very nice city, with the best fries you could ever eat 😉 And also some fantastic beers (for those who like it), and some great museums (like the one dedicated to Magritte, a fabulous Belgian painter), and a lot of funny things (like the Manneken Pis, you HAVE to discover it!)…

As usual, Mozilla will have a Developer Room. And, as usual, it’s going to be packed.

But, unfortunately, and what is not usual, we will have the room for ONE DAY only. Because Fosdem is so successful, organizers had to give rooms to more and more topics.

So this year, we deeply encourage you to propose some talks to the other rooms (you can find them here :, in order to have as many Mozillians as possible at the Fosdem ! And not only in our room.
If you are interested in giving a talk only in the Mozilla room, please add it to this PAD : before 2013-12-20.
You can also propose a talk you would like to attend, and we’ll try to find a speaker! Please, do it in the same PAD, in the second section :

We really would like some talks from both Mozilla contributors and employees. So don’t hesitate to be two speakers, one employee, and one contributor.

All contributors who are selected to be official speakers in the Mozilla DevRoom will be eligible for travel and hotel sponsorship.
Please make sure to list your contact info (Mozillian page, or mail address) in the PAD, so we can reach you easily if your talk is accepted.

And of course, feel free to propose any kind of talks, even crazy talks, brand new ones, etc. We hope to receive a lot of proposals or suggestions to make this Fosdem be a success with you!
